Tricia Spinosi
Mar 1, 2019
Olaplex Bond Smoother #6
I am just so thrilled Olaplex came out with another amazing product to be added to my arsenal of making beautiful hair! I have been using...

Tricia Spinosi
Nov 1, 2017
It's Time To Condition Your Locks!
Here are just a few reasons why it is time to start conditioning your hair in the Fall. It helps protect your hair from all the bad...

Tricia Spinosi - Owner
Feb 1, 2017
What... A Perfect Hair Brush?
I think there are several perfect hair brushes out in the market today but I am only going to tell you about the WETBRUSH. This one is...

Tricia Spinosi
Aug 22, 2016
What is Air-Drying all about?
Air-Drying is just not enough these days without essential steps that need to be taken.