Tricia Spinosi
Jun 1, 2018
3 Tips On Maintaining Your Hair Color!
I find that a lot of people really don't know how to take care of their freshly colored hair. You make an appointment and spend the money...

Tricia Spinosi
Nov 1, 2017
It's Time To Condition Your Locks!
Here are just a few reasons why it is time to start conditioning your hair in the Fall. It helps protect your hair from all the bad...

Tricia Spinosi
Oct 1, 2017
Try Color Melting!
With the changing of the seasons we start to feel like we need a little something new for our hair. Rather you choose to get some length...

Tricia Spinosi
Sep 1, 2017
Goldwell Flat Marvel Straightening Balm!
As hairstylists we try many hair products to bring you the best in hair care. I wanted to share one of my favorite products I use daily...
Tricia Spinosi - Owner
May 1, 2017
Beautiful Hair...Beautiful Life!
A Complete Hair Transformation.