Tricia Spinosi
Oct 1, 2019
Who Wants Shiny Healthy Hair?
I know I do and that is why I use Olaplex in every service and every step from the beginning to end of a clients appointment. Whether...

Tricia Spinosi
Jun 1, 2018
3 Tips On Maintaining Your Hair Color!
I find that a lot of people really don't know how to take care of their freshly colored hair. You make an appointment and spend the money...

Tricia Spinosi
Aug 1, 2017
Purple Toning Shampoo - Brass Buster!
Brass Buster you say? Yes this is the shampoo you need to be using if you are trying to eliminate some warm tones of yellow in your...

Tricia Spinosi
Jul 2, 2017
How Often You Should Wash Your Hair
You have probably been wondering how often you should wash your hair? All though this is a common question, it really all depends on the...